Christmas 2024 deadlines: Check the dates here.

Legal Terms

Order Cancellation
After paying your order, if you wish to cancel it, you have 30 minutes to do it. In case of refund you will be charged an administrative fee of 3% of the total amount of your order.
Exclusivity Policy
In accordance with the Law, this website, its content and the respective software as a support, are exclusive property (whether in terms of copyright, or in terms of industrial property) of Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA.
Consultation and use
These elements may be freely accessed and used, though its use may not take any form of total or partial copying or reproduction of its contents under penalty of being punished according to the Law as a crime of usurpation. However, Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco, LDA. authorize total or partial copy or reproduction of the website and its content by the media and potential investors. Such use may not, under any circumstances, change the text and/or distort the meaning Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA gave them.
Use of Contents
The contents and materials on the website are intended for personal use. Users may download or copy content - or other materials due to download - displayed on this website for their own, non-commercial use, provided they recognize that the materials are protected by Copyrights and are respected as such. Duplication or saving of any of the content for other purpose than personal use is strictly prohibited, except prior written consent.
Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA may modify, cancel or suspend any or all features of the website at any time, including the availability of any or all parts of the website, as well as their functions. It may also correct any errors or omissions in any section of the website, stipulate limitations on specific functions and services and limit user access in all or part of the website without any need of notification and without accountability or liability.
Denial of warranty and limitation of liability
Users acknowledge that they are using the website at their own risk. The service is provided by Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA, however, the company explicitly denies the existence of any warranties of accuracy, reliability, ownership, inviolability, suitability for specific purposes or any other warranty, condition, guarantee or representation, whether oral, written or in electronic format, including any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained or supplied on the website.
Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA do not declare and do not guarantee that the access to the website is not interrupted during the process, or that the site does not contain malfunctions, errors, omissions or occasionally loss. Moreover, it does not guarantee that viruses are not transmitted on the website. Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco is not responsible for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive.
Personal Information
By submitting personal information through our website or software, you allow the processing of your personal information according to this Privacy Policy. We only collect strictly necessary information for providing a quality service. We use this data to be able to provide you with the requested service.
All the gathered information is in accordance with the Portuguese Data Protection Act (LPD), however, however, your personal information may be transferred and processed by Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA in other countries.
By joining our database, you will receive newsletters related to Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA, acknowledging you to promotional offers of our products, advertising information about our website, questionnaires, sponsored events or announced changes and upgrades of our products and services.
We use cookies to allow a better performance and experience to our users.
By using our services you agree with our cookie use policy.
Cookies are small text files send to your navigator by the websites you visit. They help the website to memorize information about your visit, like your preferential language and other definitions. If you don't want our site to save cookies in your computer, you can use your browser to deactivate them in this website, but remember that the website will not function properly without them.
Law and Jurisdiction
These conditions were based on Portuguese legislation. Any litigation concerning the application thereof or the use of the Website is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the user's domicile or to the Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Shipping Conditions

  • We think about your order's safety from the moment we are packing it until the moment you receive it. Therefore, our shipments are always made by carriers.
    We choose the best logistics partners and they guarantee the integrity of your order between our facilities and the delivery address.
  • It is customer's obligation to ensure the correct reception of the order.
  • Traffic deadlines are merely indicatives. They are subject to adverse situations, like car accidents or bad weather. It can't be, in any case, the reason for compensation or reimbursement.
All incidences regarding shipments, due to the receiver's fault, are subject to additional debts, in case of:
  • Absent (with delivery in the next working days)
  • Date / address change
  • Unprocessed payment (for shipping with against reimbursement payments)
  • Receiver's refusal

In case of Damage:

It's the receiver responsibility to ensure that the order arrives as ordered.
It's essential that the reception's standards are complied:
  • Check the package before signing.
  • In case of an anomaly, describe it in the reception guide or simply refuse the package.
  • Send a complaint to Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA within 24 hours, with all the order's information and photographic proof of the damage.
After evaluating and confirming the damage, Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA will initiate all the processes necessary for its repair.
If one or more of the elements mentioned above are missing, Laboratórios Fotográficos do Marco LDA cannot be liable for any compensation or reimbursement.

  • Zona Industrial de Tuías Rua 1, nº173 4630-488 Marco de Canaveses • Porto
  • Opening hours: 09h00 - 18h00
  • +44 7452 272751

Copyright © 2011 - 2024, Onelab PRO. A brand of LFMCorporate